How would you rate your confidence as an actor? 5 as being completely confident or 1- as not being confident?
What is Self - Confidence?
Dictionary.com defines self-confidence as, realistic confidence in one’s own judgment, ability, power, etc.
To be our best, we need self-confidence. Some actors believe success brings confidence. Our self-confidence is something we should continuously work at instead of success. A lack of self-confidence will not only show up when you audition, but will show up in your posture and body language.
Often, I meet actors who will tell me that they lack self-confidence. Or, they will say they are shy or nervous all the time. As actors, we can pretend. If we have that ability, we fake it until we make it. In other words, actors have to act as though they are not lacking in the area of self-confidence. Actors lack self-confidence because they don’t know who they are, and if you don’t know who you are, how can you be confident? Learn about who you are to have self- confidence and be the best actor you can be.
So, you might be wondering, what are some tips that would help to boost my self-confidence as an actor?
Below are three tips to help boost your self-confidence as an actor.
Tip # 1 Discover More About Yourself
In a blog post titled, How to Improve your Confidence as an Actor, it states that actors should forget they’re acting. Being present in the moment is the single most powerful thing you can do as an actor. It will always make your character more believable. You will even start convince yourself and your character will come alive!
Tip # 2 Forget You’re Acting
In an article titled How to Improve your Confidence as an Actor, it states that “actors should forget they’re acting. Being present in the moment is the single most powerful thing you can do as an actor. It will always make your character more believable. You will even start convince yourself and your character will come alive!
Tip # 3 Experience
An article on Stagemilk.com titled How to Be a Confident Actor, shares the more you do, the more confident you become. Make working on your craft a daily practice. Do a voice or physical warm up every morning . Read a poem, monologue. or a scene everyday. Feel how different playwrights sound. Get used to different kinds of text and push your boundaries. A practice of nightly reading can also be a constructive habit.
Do you have any tips to help actors boost their self-confidence? Send us an email to atlantafilmandtv@gmail.com and share your thoughts!
For more, be sure to join the Acting for Beginners Academy at Acting For Beginners Academy.